Friday, December 4, 2009
TM's Procedures
2nd Day: No ringing tone from telephone. Called the person n said "nanti check" (waited till the next day)
3rd Day: The person came n repair at 2pm. Called Streamyx sales dealer n told us that our appointment date is 3rd Dec.
4th Day: Couldn't contact TM streamyx installer. (Waited him for the whole day) Sales dealer said, "Checking.. checking..." (3 hours passed without giving any reason).Their excuse is my area has just finished setting up line at 5pm.
5th Day: Finally, the installer installed the line within "10 minutes".
This shows how "efficient" their services is..
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Vary Pasta Restaurant
ST, KS and I made an arrangement to give treat by taking turn as a celebration for our first job. This time was my turn. I suggested my cousin’s restaurant, VARY PASTA since they didn’t have any idea. The restaurant is located at Damansara Jaya which is near Atria Shopping Mall.
This restaurant is newly opened in Jan 2009. They also do catering services. When we walked into the restaurant, my cousin’s husband was surprised to see me and welcomed us warmly. Their specialties are Caesar Salad and Spaghetti. So, I ordered their specialties including Fish Fillet with Cheese and Chicken chop with pasta.
(Fish Fillet with Cheese)
The ambiance is quiet which is suitable for chatting and it’s comfortable.
My cousin recommended dessert, Tiramisu for us to try it. It's delicious.. Yummy...
Wanna try out this restaurant? Let me know ya.. =)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Advanced Diploma Convocation 2009

After waiting a few months, this is my biggest day, my convocation for my Advance Diploma. It was held in TAR College Hall at 2pm.
I was late as most of them were fully dressed up and lining up accordingly. Luckily, one of my classmates, JLian helped me to put on my mortar board and hood. Everyone was dressing up prettily and handsomely.
At 2pm, graduates started to fill up the seats in the hall. Family members and friends were sitting last few rows to witness the event. While waiting the arrival of VIPs, most of us used this opportunity to catch up with each other. Some of them are entering the working field, either audits or accounts. Some are fully concentrating their ACCA studies. Some of them shared their study experiences in UK and wonderful touring in Europe.
I chat with two guys who were sitting besides me. On my left, the person is working as an auditor in a small firm at Pudu. He is from Johore and rented a house at Wangsa Maju. He also pursues his ACCA for last two subjects, Audits and Performance Management. Whereas on my right, the person is Kelvin, Kanesh’s friend who is fully concentrating to complete ACCA for last two subjects, Finance Management and Tax by taking tuition. The teaching from Kasturi’s lecturer is better than Dr Wong’s explanation according to him. Actually, this was our first time conversation since we took the same cab with Wan Ling to college. Haha.. I also chat with Stella who sat behind me. I told her that TLiang has resigned from RSM a month ago. She couldn’t believe it. Stella is working as an account’s assistant in Pandan Indah. She also took tuition at McOrange for Finance Management and told me that the teaching is really good.
A convocation book was given to everyone. There was a schedule of our convocation event. At first, I was happy to see the name-Mr. Ong Ka Ting, MCA ex-president who would present our certificates. To my disappointment, he attended the morning session only. Therefore, for afternoon session, the person is Mr. Lau Yin Pin. I thought I was the only person who doesn’t know him but when I was asked around, none of them know him! Hoho..
Professors, lecturers and VIPs were entering the hall at 2.30pm. We welcomed them by giving applauses. Mr Lau Yin Pin is early age of 60. He doesn’t smile a lot and wore spectacles. He was the first batch student to pursue Business Management in 1973. Every grad gave their brightest smile at the camera. I saw Shaw Team receiving her certificates and heard Kelvin saying that he knew her. Oh.. Kelvin is also Shaw Team’s ex-boyfriend’s friend.
The ceremony was ended at 3.45pm by singing our anthem. After this, it was the time for photograph shooting with friends and family. My parents bought a bouquet of sunflowers with a snoopy. I love it. ST and Jasmine came to take photographs with me.

The sky was gloomy but we still managed to take pictures. I was surprised to KLeong who attended our convocation. I remembered that he likes EYen. Haha.. Later, I met EYen outside the hall. She pursues ACCA studies too.

The happiest moment was taking photos together with Group 3. Siew Han and Wai Peng were with us too. Lastly, Congratulations to all..

I went out for drinking with MLing, MCheam, Yen Kee, KYeow, Ah Weng, Ah Weng’s girl friend, Justin and his friend at Island Café. Mei Ling told me that they went to College Hall but could not find me. Aiya.. They even bought a bouquet of pink roses.

I met my primary classmate, Khoo Siew Mun. She is working in a facial shop. We were quite surprise when she told us that Terry Chui was married.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mooncake Festival
I came out with an idea that we played lanterns at my house so YK helped me to organize. The response was poor, only 4 people confirmed including me. I was afraid that this event could not carry out successfully. However, it turned out that there were 10 of us. They were YK, CF, KY, Desmond, William, SF, Lionel, ML and MC.
The event was supposed to start at 8.30pm. As you know, youngsters like us would not be punctual. Haha… (I’m already getting used to it.) Among all of us, William wore Chinese Traditional clothes. I didn’t know that he was one of those traditional followers. Haha…
Some of them brought candles, lanterns and food. The rest of them came with ‘a bunch of banana’. Haha… We started lighting up candles and put into our lanterns. Most of us bought paper lanterns but only KY’s different from us; Ultraman lantern. ML was attracted by his lantern as it was her favourite cartoon.

By using candles, we formed a word, VIVE as a remembrance that we were from Vivekananda School. YK and I tried to form our names. The rest of guys were playing matches by setting up small fire.

I noticed that most of the guys were not interested to play lantern. Instead, their intention was to play table tennis especially William. He was hyperactive. He insisted to stroke with me by reaching 100 balls. If he could not reach, he would not go home. I was surprised to see his spirit. ML suggested that I should set up my Robot to let him practise instead. Haha.. Luckily, his forehand was quite steady so we managed to reach until 102 balls. To be honest, William has ball sense.

According to our plan, we should go Tian Hou Temple. Due to time constraint, we just spent our night at my house. I think Lionel might feel a bit of wasted as he was wearing sport shoes like we were going hiking. Haha… I still saw the guys making fun of Lionel. Lionel oh… Lionel… He is still ‘dau kei wong’.

By having conversation with CF, he told us that he wanted to go on diet. I was shocked to hear this. He is skinny and still wanted to watch his diet. I think he should stop smoking if he wanted to live healthily.
As for SF, he spent a few hours with us. Everyone look cheerful that night. I am glad that they enjoy themselves.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Broga Hill Trip
In order to watch the sun rise, the best time to reach the place is 6am. There were nine of us-SF,KY,WL,YK,ST,WM,Desmond’s Sisters and me. Broga Hill is located at Semenyih, Selangor. It is near University of Nottingham. We used KESAS Highway and reached there about 45 minutes.
There were a lot of cars parking along the road side. A few groups of people started climbing the hill. They were much earlier than us. We used torchlights as the sky was still dark and we ensured everyone stick together.
As climbing the mountain, we learned to help one another even strangers offered their help. The steps were not easy to go through as the roads were rough. We need to be cautious for every step. By doing this activity, I was like having a wet bath. My sweats kept dropping non-stop. Haha…
There were 3 check points. Reaching the first check point was just a beginning. All of us could take a rest and side-seeing. From this level, we still could watch the sun rise. The clouds were like giving way for the sun to rise out and it shone the whole Semenyih beautifully. With this spectacular view, we made an album. I felt sorry for WL and SF that they could not join us. WL was not feeling well when he climbed the hill. Hopefully they could do it next time.
After having enough rest, we decided to go to the second check point. The place was crowded with youngsters. Some of them were muscular and handsome guys. Of course, there were several pretty ladies too. I also saw a few foreigners making to the top. There was one particular group which they bought their gowns to celebrate their graduation.
From the second check point, you could see the last hill which was the highest. It seemed to be a steep slope and dangerous. We didn’t make it as we started feeling tired and exhausted.
Going down from the hill was not easy at all. You must know how to grip your steps. I kept sliding down to lower my body stability.
A stall was selling coconut drinks when we reached the base. After a long day, taking coconut would definitely make you feeling fresh. Haha…
Around 10pm, we visited the waterfall near there. Children played happily with water. Many Malay families enjoyed their picnics there. They did BBQ for lunch. The smell of chicken and fish made my stomach growling. Haha…
After that, we had lunch at Chinese Restaurant, No. 52. Black marmite pork was their specialty. The tables were being filled up so we left the place after finished eating.
I enjoyed it much although my legs were painful. I think I have to build up my stamina first before climbing mountain. Haha…
Saturday, August 8, 2009
To My Dear Friend
Dearest Wai Yen
Time flies fast
It has been 3 years since you left
Although we knew each other for a year
You were like an old friend to me.
Your wish was to further study in TARC
So I continued the journey on your behalf
Good news is I have graduated
You will feel happy and proud of me.
You are such a wonderful friend
Friendly, cheerful and kind-hearted
But I never have a chance
To express my true feelings.
The memories that we spent together
I will treasure inside my heart
I wish to thank God
For giving me a chance to know you.

Friendship Comments
Myspace Comments - Myspace 2.0 Layouts
Thursday, July 30, 2009
My Birthday on 18th July
However, HL would bring the Japanese guy in the afternoon so I would not be able to make it as I already have an appointment. KS fetched KY, MLing and I to Mid Valley. There was lots of car searching for car parks and we were lucky to find one.
ST, Jasmine and YK were seated in Sushi Zanmai at Garden.
After that, we watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movie. The book contains a few hundreds pages as thick as a dictionary so it must be a challenging job for director to summarise the story. Therefore, I wanted to give some credit to director for making the movie. I liked the comedy parts acted by three actors, Daniel, Emma and Rupert. However, some important parts left out. For instance, Dumbledore should emphasize the importance of those valuable things which Tom Riddle always treasures as a clue for searching Horcrux. Justin also joined us watching this movie. I knew him when I went for drinking with YK and See Tho ML. He also read the book. Hmm… Actually I wonder why he read the book as Churches restricted Christians to watch Witchcraft movies. If my sister saw this, I would receive music from her. Haha…
About 6pm, we separated into two groups. YK, ML and KY went to watch Japanese event in Shah Alam. ST, Jasmine, KS and I have dinner together. Justin has to attend his school gathering.
ST and I gave a surprise to SF. He was working in Korean beauty booth at North Court. To me, he still looked the same. Hmm… He still sounded the same style of talking especially with pretty girls. Haha…
Four of us have dinner at Fong Lye Restaurant. ST gave us a treat as she received her first salary. Anyway, we promised to take turn to give treats. Oh… My pocket money is going to wipe out. Haha…
That’s all about my event. Now, let’s go to my messages. My messages was from MY, VL, VW, Natasha, Devendran, Joy Nathan, YP, PT, Jenny, YN, TY, HT, Phoebe, SH, KSheng, Cynde, YH, EY, MF, MS, KG, QY, CF, Ari, Ooi (net friend) and PY. The most surprise was VW’s message. After knowing him for 9 years, this was the first time that he wished me. Maybe after the Genting trip, we finally realized and understood each other. Another surprise was Phoebe. She was having US trip and could manage to wish me. PY phoned me up and sang birthday song. Some of them posted their wishes in Facebook.
My mum made Tong Yuen for me. Hehe… I am very lucky to have family and friends. Thanks them.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I Got a Job
Firstly, my salary is based on my qualification. My highest qualification is Advanced Diploma but not all company do recognize this as equivalent as degree. In other words, I was considered as Diploma graduate. So, I couldn’t expect a high salary as I don’t have any working experience, thus it is a difficult time to get a job as our country is having economy crisis.
Secondly, the distance from my house to the company is far. I was confidence to find a job in KL especially Mid Valley has a lot of offices as well as KL Sentral. In the end, I work at Tropicana Mall near Damansara. Haha…
Besides, I was not ready. The company accepted me without having second thought. I miss my chance to say “Goodbye” to my fellow table tennis students in MBS. I would always remember their charming and cute faces.
After working 3 days, I found that job becomes interesting and exciting. My senior is friendly and pretty. The most important is she is willing to teach me. My memory is bad sometimes. So, I kept asking her to check my works. My colleagues are friendly too. Some of them are humorous. I heard from them that our boss is good. So, I think it is good to work for a small company whereby the boss is good too. There is no politics or inconsiderate boss in the company. Anyway, it is still early for me to judge the company. Hopefully I would be able to perform well as time goes by.
Note: I wrote this article on 20th July.. Hehe...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Bon Voyage to JL

On 1st July (Wednesday), my college mates decided to organize a farewell party in Pasta Zenmai, Mid Valley for JLoong as he would be studying in BCU, UK. Those who attended this party were WLing, SHan, YNee, TY, PT, Kenzy, YP and I.
The restaurant served Japanese Food. It was filled up with customers that night. Im/title> ordered Chicken Kirsten and always serve me the last. Haiz… My friends started making jokes on me. They said they would leave first and let the last person to pay the bill. I reminded the staff. At last, the dish was arrived on my place. It was quite a big dish. I could not finish it definitely.

After eating, WLing wished to have dessert in Baskin Robbins. PT shared the ice-cream with Kenzy while WLing shared the ice-cream with JLoong. After that, we had photo sessions. They really like taking photos. Kenzy also made some jokes. They also mentioned about Koh Lung. I wondered whether Koh Lung sneezed all the night. Haha...

When it was the time to say goodbye, we hug each other except for the boys. All of us wish JL all the best in his studies and hope he will bring some souvenirs for us. Haha...

Genting Trip

(From 27th June to 28th June)
I need to rush back and prepare for my Genting trip after coming back from Tioman Trip. Yen Kee and I followed Wai Leong’s car while Shaw Team and Swee Luo followed Soon Foo’s car. We left at 10pm.
This was my first experience sitting friend’s car to go Genting. I thought only we were speeding but actually every car did the same thing. We reached at 11pm. This was also my first time to enter the penthouse in Apartment Ria. Shaw Team and others went there before. There were about 7 rooms. Shaw Team and Yen Kee choose the room. They wanted to sleep in William, Choon Hoong and Yik Ho room. So, they let us used the room. Choong Fai, Voon Wai, Lionel, Kwong Yeow, Desmond and her girl friend, Ah Hean and his girl friend and two unknown friends were there.
I thought our room should be all girls and I was surprised that Soon Foo and Wai Leong wanted to share the room with us. Only then, I realized that Swee Luo agreed for them to sleep in the room. Of course, they have to sleep on the floor. Four girls shared a queen bed.
We had steamboat. I didn’t help the girls as I was sneezing once I was there. My nose is sensitive. I was surprised that Voon Wai put a fish ball in my bowl. Anyway, he did this to everyone. Afterall, I should not feel shock. After eating, all the boys and girls prepared to go Cinema except Soon Foo and Wai Leong. I thought I would be staying at the room. Yen Kee told me that Shaw Team promised William so we had no choice. Going out at night was very cold and shiver. Swee Luo was beside me and both of us walked quite fast. Voon Wai looked nothing. Oh..yeah.. I almost forgot that he was the hockey player. This should not be a problem to him. Choong Fai was crazy. He ran all the way and ended up with breathing problem.
The Cinema was full of youngsters. The movie started at 1am. Shaw Team sat between Voon Wai and I. On my right was Yik Ho. The seat was very stiff and my legs movement was limited. Once the movie started, my brain started to shut down and followed by my eyes. I missed a lot of parts of the movie. When the movie finished, many of them said they slept half way through. I think only Yik Ho, Choon Hoong, Lionel and Voon Wai were watching the whole movie.
Shaw Team and I were walking back to the Apartment Ria. My first thought was to go to the bed. While walking, the wind blew strongly and we started to shiver. Shaw Team and I hug each other. I saw Choong Fai running without wearing jacket. Haiz… He still wanted to show off.
Soon Foo was the person opened the door for us. Wai Leong was sleeping. Yen Kee and Swee Luo had a bath before sleeping. Then Wai Leong woke up and slept in our room. When the room became dark, I could hear snoring sound.
On the next day
I woke up very early, around 8am. How I wish I could continue my sleep. I became a sandwich. as Swee Luo was on my left while Yen Kee was on my right. Since I could not sleep, I decided to my sleep in the dining room. There were soft cushions but I could smell there was smoking.
I just walked here and there. I was watching people sleeping soundly. Soon Foo covered himself with the entire blanket like a mummy. Wai Leong slept by wearing his spectacles. Wow… I could see Swee Luo’s eyes opened slightly. I wondered whether she could see me. Shaw Team covered all over herself with blanket except her head. Yen Kee slept one side. After I left the bed, they slept comfortably.
Choon Hoong, William and Yik Ho slept at the small dining room. At one time, Choon Hoong seemed to be awakening so I wave my hand to him. However, he seemed like not knowing about my existence. I think he must be dreaming.
I decided to boil water for them since I have nothing to do. When I was in the kitchen, suddenly I heard someone knocking on the door. I jumped up which scared me. I turned my body and trace the person. I saw a yellow jacket and I recognised it at once, it was Voon Wai.
I looked at my watch, 9am. At last, someone woke up after me. After that, I went to my own room. Everyone started to wake up. Soon Foo said he heard me entering the room for a few times. Haha… I disturbed his sleep. Swee Luo actually saw me but she was half asleep. Shaw Team said that she knew I went out.
I asked Soon Foo, “What do we have for breakfast?” He replied, “Just make the Maggie mee since I brought it.” I went to do tea and Maggie mee for six of us. Yen Kee suggested that we could fry egg using the butter because there is no oil. Instead Yen Kee frying the eggs, Voon Wai did it for us. His cooking skill is not bad until Wai Leong, Soon Foo, Yen Kee and Swee Luo ordered more than 2 eggs.
After having breakfast, we played cards. Shaw Team won a few games and we think she has the luck. Then, all of us went to Casino at 12.30pm except Wai Leong. They said that they want to claim money from Uncle Lim. Haha…
When I entered the entrance, the guard did not check me. I think this was because of Soon Foo who looked older like a father. Haha… Choong Fai was sitting at one of the table. I heard that he lost yesterday and wish to take back his own money today. I told Shaw Team to stand beside to give him some luck so it helped.
Around 2pm, Lionel, Kwong Yeow, Soon Foo, Swee Luo, Shaw Team, Yen Kee and I had lunch at McDonald. The price of the food is charged differently. After eating, Shaw Team, Yen Kee and Kwong Yeow decided to play as a team in the Casino. They chose a game which is quite easy to play. It just made a guess whether it is banker or player wins. You could even bet whether there is tie. I watched them playing and started to make some guesses. I didn’t know that my 6th sense was accurate.
They won total of RM135 after playing an hour. William joined us but he lost all. He seemed to look very down. I heard that Voon Wai won about RM300.
After taking bath, I went to join them watching badminton. After watching, we left the apartment and followed Soon Foo's car.
We (me, SL, YK, Lionel n SF) hang out first as the mist covered the entire road so it would be dangerous for a driver until 7.30pm.
We had dinner together at Island Café, Kuchai Lama. Swee Luo started to recall our memory. Last time, I went tuition with Swee Luo in Form 3. The tuition classes were conducted by Swee Luo’s uncle. Some memories are as follows. Choon Hoong stepped on Swee Luo’s leg purposely but it turned out to be Swee Luo’s uncle. Haha… When we were given a task to do, Swee Luo and I definitely started writing by using mouth. Haha… I remembered that the teacher gave up and just let us making the noise. Haha…