I used to play lantern with my brother when we were young. After that we seldom have chance due to exams. So, I asked myself, why don’t I celebrate this festival differently this year?
I came out with an idea that we played lanterns at my house so YK helped me to organize. The response was poor, only 4 people confirmed including me. I was afraid that this event could not carry out successfully. However, it turned out that there were 10 of us. They were YK, CF, KY, Desmond, William, SF, Lionel, ML and MC.
The event was supposed to start at 8.30pm. As you know, youngsters like us would not be punctual. Haha… (I’m already getting used to it.) Among all of us, William wore Chinese Traditional clothes. I didn’t know that he was one of those traditional followers. Haha…
Some of them brought candles, lanterns and food. The rest of them came with ‘a bunch of banana’. Haha… We started lighting up candles and put into our lanterns. Most of us bought paper lanterns but only KY’s different from us; Ultraman lantern. ML was attracted by his lantern as it was her favourite cartoon.

By using candles, we formed a word, VIVE as a remembrance that we were from Vivekananda School. YK and I tried to form our names. The rest of guys were playing matches by setting up small fire.

I noticed that most of the guys were not interested to play lantern. Instead, their intention was to play table tennis especially William. He was hyperactive. He insisted to stroke with me by reaching 100 balls. If he could not reach, he would not go home. I was surprised to see his spirit. ML suggested that I should set up my Robot to let him practise instead. Haha.. Luckily, his forehand was quite steady so we managed to reach until 102 balls. To be honest, William has ball sense.

According to our plan, we should go Tian Hou Temple. Due to time constraint, we just spent our night at my house. I think Lionel might feel a bit of wasted as he was wearing sport shoes like we were going hiking. Haha… I still saw the guys making fun of Lionel. Lionel oh… Lionel… He is still ‘dau kei wong’.

By having conversation with CF, he told us that he wanted to go on diet. I was shocked to hear this. He is skinny and still wanted to watch his diet. I think he should stop smoking if he wanted to live healthily.
As for SF, he spent a few hours with us. Everyone look cheerful that night. I am glad that they enjoy themselves.
I came out with an idea that we played lanterns at my house so YK helped me to organize. The response was poor, only 4 people confirmed including me. I was afraid that this event could not carry out successfully. However, it turned out that there were 10 of us. They were YK, CF, KY, Desmond, William, SF, Lionel, ML and MC.
The event was supposed to start at 8.30pm. As you know, youngsters like us would not be punctual. Haha… (I’m already getting used to it.) Among all of us, William wore Chinese Traditional clothes. I didn’t know that he was one of those traditional followers. Haha…
Some of them brought candles, lanterns and food. The rest of them came with ‘a bunch of banana’. Haha… We started lighting up candles and put into our lanterns. Most of us bought paper lanterns but only KY’s different from us; Ultraman lantern. ML was attracted by his lantern as it was her favourite cartoon.

By using candles, we formed a word, VIVE as a remembrance that we were from Vivekananda School. YK and I tried to form our names. The rest of guys were playing matches by setting up small fire.

I noticed that most of the guys were not interested to play lantern. Instead, their intention was to play table tennis especially William. He was hyperactive. He insisted to stroke with me by reaching 100 balls. If he could not reach, he would not go home. I was surprised to see his spirit. ML suggested that I should set up my Robot to let him practise instead. Haha.. Luckily, his forehand was quite steady so we managed to reach until 102 balls. To be honest, William has ball sense.

According to our plan, we should go Tian Hou Temple. Due to time constraint, we just spent our night at my house. I think Lionel might feel a bit of wasted as he was wearing sport shoes like we were going hiking. Haha… I still saw the guys making fun of Lionel. Lionel oh… Lionel… He is still ‘dau kei wong’.

By having conversation with CF, he told us that he wanted to go on diet. I was shocked to hear this. He is skinny and still wanted to watch his diet. I think he should stop smoking if he wanted to live healthily.
As for SF, he spent a few hours with us. Everyone look cheerful that night. I am glad that they enjoy themselves.
Happy Moon Cake Festival!!!
I hope that I will be able to join you all next year if there are any one that organize it !!!
May god bless us !!!
Take care
Sure, no problem... =)
wat u mean stop smoking,-.-'
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