The movie of Harry Potter is a non-fiction but I know Christian discourage watching it. To me, as long as I don't learn their what so-called spell, I don't think we should not watch. What I admire the most is their characters, ie. value of friendship. Harry, Ron and Hermione always stick together (Ron and Hermione are willing to leave their family behind) even though they know the level of danger. 3 of them never fail to solve problems as a team.
I've been following the story from the very beginning and it has became part of my teenager story. I always admire kids playing in action movie so that's how this movie caught my eyes. Haha.. Before coming to an end, let me highlight of each part of stories.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
Harry Potter became a legendary person since he was a baby in Wizard's world because Voldemort could not kill him but left a scar on his forehead.
Sorcerers Stone is the most valuable item as this magical stone will bring immortal to a person. Such a valuable stone is attracted to evils such as Voldemort. Harry Potter destroyed the Sorcerers Stone is to prevent falling the stone on the hand of Voldemort.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret
Harry entered the Chamber of Secrets and encountered Ginny's still body and Tom Riddle. Tom turned out to be a younger version of Voldemort, who has been enchanting Ginny through his journal. Tom summoned a basilisk but was killed by Harry using the Sword of Gryffindor. Harry stick a basilisk fang through the diary to destroy Tom. Ginny was rescued.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and Harry wanted to take revenge on him over his parents' death. However, the actual fact was Pettigrew (one of Harry's father's best friend) who is the servant of Voldemort and betrayed Potter. After knowing it, Harry, Ron and Hermione decided to rescue Sirius Black from being killed by the servant of Voldemort. Harry is happy that Sirius Black became his godfather.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry was not expected that he could enter Triwizard Tournament despite his age. This tournament was a trap in the beginning to let Harry entering the final stage. The trophy is a transporter to bring Harry and Cedric to face Voldemort. Voldemort murdered Cedric and wish to do the same on Harry. When both summoned each other, Voldemort's past victims emerge from his wand and protect Harry once the wand connection is broken, giving him time to grab Cedric's body and touch the trophy, thus returning to Hogwarts.
Harry Potter and the Order of PhoenixThe 3 teenagers formed a group called Dumbledore Army (DA) to learn Defense as Professor Umbridge refused to teach them.
Harry was trying to find his godfather, Sirius Black in Department of Ministry as he foresee Sirius was being captivated and tortured by Voldemort. When Harry reached the department-Ministry of Magic, he saw one of the glass spheres has his name on it, as well as Voldemort’s. Harry grabbed the sphere, and Death Eaters surround to attack, demanding that Harry hand over the prophecy. Employing all of their Defense skills,
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Neville have moderate success fighting the Death Eaters, but they are ultimately helped enormously by the arrival of several members of the Order of Phoenix (a group to fight against Voldemort's Army). In the midst of the fight, Harry dropped the glass sphere, and it shattered. Meanwhile, Sirius’ own cousin, Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange, killed Sirius. Harry is devastated.
Dumbledore appeared and corralled the Death Eaters but Voldemort and Lestrange managed to escape. Back to Howarts, Dumbledore explained that the prophecy mentioned Harry will either destroy Voldemort or be destroyed by him. Harry has to live with his Aunt because he has the protection of the love bond from his mum.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood PrinceHarry also learned that Voldemort has divided his soul into seven Horcruxes. Two of these, Tom Riddle’s diary and Marvolo’s ring, have already been destroyed. One resides in Voldemort, one resides in a snake, one is Merope’s locket, and the other two are suspected to be hidden in objects belonging to Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor.
Together with Dumbledore, both went to obtain Merope’s locket, thus making Voldemort one step closer to mortal. After taking the locket, they returned to Hogwarts as quickly as possible as they knew Voldemort's Army will appear in the school.
Draco found Dumbledore and threatened to kill him, meanwhile Harry was freeze (by Dumbledore's spell) and covered himself with his invisible cloak. Later, Professor Snape appeared and killed Dumbledore. Draco and Snape escapes from there.
Harry was very upset over the death of Dumbledore and he realised that the locket was not a Horcrux. Inside the locket had a note from someone named “R. A. B.” Harry told his friends he would not be returning to Hogwarts next year and would instead search out and kill Voldemort by destroying all of the Horcruxes. Ron and Hermione vow to join him.
Also, Harry found out that Half Blood Prince is Processor Snape.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1Voldemort's Army is getting stronger and they even interfered Muggle's world. Muggle means a person who could not perform any spell.
The members from Order of Phoenix were trying to take Harry to Weasley's house, Burrow. When he arrived Burrow, he learned that Mad-Eye Moody was killed.
Rufus Scrimgeour, the Minister of Magic, delivered the items Dumbledore left for Harry, Ron and Hermione in his will. Harry is given a Snitch which he caught in his first Quidditch match, as well as the Sword of Gryffindor, which Scrimgeour does not give him, claiming it did not belong to Dumbledore. Ron is left a device called a Deluminator that turns lights off, and Hermione is left a book of wizard fairy tales. None of them have any idea what the items mean.
The Weasleys host the wedding of their son Bill to Fleur Delacour. The wedding is interrupted by Death Eaters, as Voldemort has taken over the Ministry of Magic and is now in charge of the Wizarding world. All of them fled the scene. The 3 teenagers escaped together to a safer place.
In previous book, R.A.B left a note in the fake locket. This R.A.B is Regulus Arcturus Black, Sirius's younger brother who is dead. However, the locket has been stolen by Umbridge. Harry, Ron and Hermione were taking their risk to get the locket from Umbridge. Ron used the Sword of Gryffindor to destroy the locket.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione go to visit Xenophilius Lovegood, because Hermione has discovered a strange symbol in the book Dumbledore left her, and they had seen Xenophilius wearing it. Xenophilius explains that the symbol represents the Deathly Hallows, three objects—the Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone, and Invisibility Cloak—that were made by Death and that give the owner of the three objects mastery over death.
Bellatrix Lestrange caught the 3 teenagers and she tortures Hermione for information about where they got the sword they are carrying, since she thought it was in her vault at Gringotts bank. She is very concerned about anything else they might have taken. Dobby, the Malfoys’ former house-elf, helped Harry and his friends to escape, along with Ollivander the wand maker, Luna Lovegood, and Griphook the goblin.
Harry guesses that Voldemort has a Horcrux stored in Bellatrix’s vault, since she seemed so worried about it, and he persuaded Griphook the goblin to help him break into the vault. With Griphook’s help, Harry, Ron, and Hermione broke in and stole the Hufflepuff Cup from the vault, then escaped on the back of a dragon.
In the meantime, Voldemort is looking for the most powerful wand-Dumbledore's Elder Wand. The battle is about to start... Does Harry able to destroy all the Horcruxes? Who will survive in the end? Harry or Voldemort? Let's watch the final part together..
(You may read this in details through this link)
Harry Potter is the LONGEST parts among other movies. Every story has the beginning and it has to come to an end.. I'm reluctant to bid farewell to the last of the Mohegan this Sunday..